Using CBD Oil To Control Anxiety In Pets - Green Flower BotanicalsUsing CBD Oil To Control Anxiety In Pets

Whether it’s a thunderstorm, separation anxiety, or other phobias causing your pet distress, CBD oils for anxiety, are a safe and effective way to put your pet at ease.

It seems everyone is talking about the benefits of cannabis for this or that. Its health benefits are proved and reproved all over again. CBD oil, also known as “cannabidiol” is an extract taken from the cannabis hemp plant. CBD-rich hemp oil has been shown to have outstanding medicinal properties for humans and animals alike. So it may come as no surprise to find, more and more people are using CBD to treat anxiety in their pets.

How Does It Help?

CBD oil can be used to treat your pet’s anxiety because it affects the central nervous system responsible for regulating the response to all sorts of environmental stressors. Of course, it works in the very same way on humans.  

The bodies of mammals have an endocannabinoid system that releases certain chemicals within the body when triggered. CBD oil does just that. Once your pet has ingurgitated the oil, the endocannabinoid system will be activated.

Consequently, stress and anxiety will melt away. Many people seem to think CBD oil will make them or their pets feel high – it does not. CBD oil does not have THC, the substance that makes cannabis a psychotropic plant that grants the high-effect.

CBD oil is exclusively medicinal, by no means recreational. Because of that, it can be safely administered to pets and humans alike.

How Do I Administer CBD Oil to My Pets?

The easiest and most economical way to administer CBD to your pet is to use a full-spectrum CBD oil. The oil can be used by placing a few drops on your pet’s favorite treat. Adding it to your pet’s food at mealtime is another quick and easy way to get your dog or cat to take their CBD’s.

When it comes to dosing, as with humans, all animals are different. The common advice is to start with low doses and slowly increase the dosage until you find what works best for your pet. Green Flower recommends a dosage of 1mg CBD per 10 lbs of weight.  With anti-anxiety, even a few drops can have a dramatic effect on most animals.


There are no known side-effects to CBD use in animals. It is a very safe compound when extracted from quality grown organic hemp. Of course, as every animal is different, some pets may have a low-tolerance for certain foods including hemp based CBD. It is best to monitor your pet closely when making any changes to their diet or supplement regimen.


Whether it’s a thunderstorm, separation anxiety, or other phobias causing your pet distress, CBD oils for anxiety, are a safe and effective way to put your pet at ease.