How To Talk To Your Doctor About CBD Oil


If you like staying on the know, you must have heard about full-spectrum cannabidiol (CBD) in the news or at least in passing. Whenever CBD oil is the topic of discussion on a blog or website, you’ll often notice that most authors encourage their readers to consult with their doctors before deciding to take CBD, and for good course.

You see, even though CBD is a natural substance extracted from the cannabis plant (mostly hemp), it is still a chemical compound that interacts with the brain and body in many different ways. Furthermore, it can make other chemicals react differently with the body. This raises the question about CBD and drug interactions among many others.

When using any kind of substance that is ingested into your body for better health, who else to talk to than someone who has been trained on how your body works for 8 years?

Why it may be awkward to talk to your doctor about CBD

From experience, there is a lot of people out there who would like to try out CBD for various conditions wherein research has shown some potential benefits. Nonetheless, a good chunk have not tried it because they have not talked to their doctor or caregiver about it as an alternative medicine. More worryingly, a lot of CBD users are busy self-medicating without first getting the opinion of their physicians.

Controversy surrounding the cannabis plant

This can be attributed to the controversy that has faced cannabis for years due to its consideration as a dangerous, mind-altering substance. This view turns out to be extremely narrow-minded though. The cannabis plant contains over 113 active chemicals, and THC is the most famous for causing psychoactive effects. CBD, one of the said compounds, is non-psychoactive and shows great medicinal potential.

Even so, only recently was CBD rescheduled from class I to class V by the FDA (link to the DA rescheduling newspiece). Meaning that until October, 2018, CBD was treated the same as drugs such as heroine, LSD, peyote, etc. No wonder patients are finding it awkward to raise the question with their doctors.

Insufficient information in the medical community

The environment surrounding cannabis’ legality and legitimacy in the medical space is still a bit cloudy. I mean, it is not too difficult to find doctors who don’t know much about CBD or the system it affects. That is, the endocannabinoid system. It does not end here, since the endocannabinoid system was only recently discovered, only a handful of medical schools teach about it.

However, things are quickly changing. There are now over 23,000 studies that continue to establish CBD as the non-psychoactive, non-toxic and extensively(promiscuously) therapeutic compound that may have the potential to treat a wide range of illnesses. These include serious conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, nauseav, Parkinson’s diseasev, Alzheimer’s, MS, diabetes  and many more.

In fact, research now shows that the CBD market will continue booming, expanding by as much as 700% by 2020. This means that by 2020, the number of people taking CBD would have increased sevenfold. This is a huge growth.

Initiating a conversation with your doctor about CBD is for your own benefit

Now, let’s face it, if we are going to realize the maximum benefits from taking CBD, then involving someone who understands how the body works instead of self-medicating is the smartest decision.

Even if your doctor is not an ardent supporter of CBD, medical cannabis and such related topics, bringing the topic with your doctor is important. Just for your peace of mind, raising this topic would never get you into any trouble, legal or otherwise. So how do you start the conversation?

Talking to your doctor about CBD

Do you even need CBD oil?

Before walking into your doctor’s office to talk about trying CBD for your condition, it is important that you arm yourself with relevant information. This will increase your credibility and help in case you are having the nerves.

CBD is an interesting compound and it’s easy to see why. This one substance offers therapeutic effects to numerous conditions which seem unrelated. From irritable bowel syndrome to anxiety and even cancer.

Nonetheless, there is only so much CBD can help you with. Therefore, it would help to first check how your condition can be improved using CBD. You can see a list of all conditions that scientists have studied with regards to CBD here.

If there is research supporting the use of CBD for your condition, then you can think about having the conversation with your doctor. That being said, CBD may still help you lead a healthier life even without pre-existing medical conditions. See more here.

If you are finding it awkward to talk to your caregiver or physician, you can start the conversation by mentioning a recent study you recently came across about CBD. Or a friend you know who is using CBD and seems to be working or something you saw on the news. Any of these tactics should open the doors to that topic.

How to handle an unresponsive doctor

If your doctor is engaging and willing to discuss CBD as an alternative treatment, then you can start a healthy relationship there and then. In some instances, the doctor may be unwilling to accept CBD as an alternative medicine and insist on using medication that you are uncomfortable with.

Remember, your health comes first. If the doctor has sound reasons why you should not use CBD such as drug interactions, allergies or bad interaction with your medications, then heed the advice. However, if you feel that their refusal is biased, if they become unresponsive or shrug you off, then you should consider a second opinion. Also, keep in mind that your doctor may not even have heard about CBD and you may need to give them some time to get acquainted with the topic.


What to cover while discussing CBD with your doctor

CBD and drug interactions

While CBD is non-addictive, non-psychoactive and non-toxic, it can still interact with other medications and change how they affect your body. According to the author of Healing with CBD: How Cannabidiol Can Transform your Health Without the High, patients should always talk to their doctors before taking CBD for the same reason.

CBD can potentially interact with many pharmaceutical drugs. CBD affects the activity of enzymes in the liver called the cytochrome p450 liver enzymes. This enzyme group is normally involved in the metabolism of most of the drugs we consume.

If your doctor is knowledgeable about CBD oil, they will also be able to advice you on which combination of chemicals would be most effective with your CBD. They might also be able to advice about the best method of administration, dosing information as well as the best CBD oil in the market.

CBD side effects

CBD was recently given a clean bill of health by the FDA that it is a safe compound with no potential of abuse. Furthermore, in all the studies concerning CBD, there have not been any adverse effects or fatalities, even at extremely high CBD dosages. Patients have reported some side effects, however, which include dry mouth, lightheadedness, increased tremors in patients with Parkinson’s disease and inhibition of the metabolism of hepatic drugs.

In addition, talking about CBD with your doctor will enable them to keep track of any changes it is making in your mind and body. This way, you can have a more definitive way of gauging just how much benefit you are getting from your CBD.


Just like any other plants, foods and treatments, CBD oil can also cause allergic reactions to some individuals. Hemp CBD is sometimes mixed with other essential oils to increase bio-availability and other qualities. Keeping your doctor in the loop may help you figure out what’s wrong in case you are having allergic reactions.


With more studies coming out showing the medical benefits of CBD on various conditions, more doctors are becoming receptive to the idea of CBD as alternative treatment. As patients, there is no safer way of going through the journey of health and recovery than doing so under a physician’s guidance. Therefore, it is crucial to keep in mind that hemp CBD oil is just like any other medicine and should be treated in the same regard.

Have you talked to your doctor about CBD? Make a move today.

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